Short : HD-Installer for Overkill AGA V1.1 Type : game/patch Author : Bored Seal (, ICQ:21086453 This patch applies to "Overkill" by Mindscape (c) 1993 - 2 disks. Slave requires WHDLOAD V10+. Game requires AGA Amiga, 2.0 MB Chip Mem (+ 1.8 other memory for preload option) FEATURES: - Full load from HD - OS emulation module used - Highscores are saved - NI/MWB icon (created by JHZ, ripped by Midwik) - Quit option (default key is '*' on keypad) HISTORY: V1.0 (16-Aug-1999) - first public release V1.1 (19-Aug-1999) - disk changing fixed (thanks Midwik) - installation changed - disk 1 size is now standard please reinstall. CHEAT: Enter 'NZL' for your initials on the highscore table. When you restart the game you'll find you have infinitive lives Thanks to Chris Vella for disk images and to Midwik for testing. Bored Seal Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs: